Greenland Green
Built - 1987

Greenland is one of the earliest settlements in the state which was originally a parish of Portsmouth originating in 1638. The town was probably named for Henry Greenland, a town officer. Residents requested and were granted a separate town in 1704. In that same period, a Mr. Leonard Weeks built a large brick house which still stands today and is thought to be the oldest brick structure in the state.
Greenland's second bandstand was built in 1987 which replaced the first one built in 1941 which fell to disrepair and beyond help. The first bandstand was built in Veterans' Memorial Park and was dedicated on Memorial Day, 1939. This second bandstand was initially discussed on March 12, 1987 at a town meeting and a sum not to exceed $12,000 was appropriated.
By mid-July, Greenland's new bandstand on Greenland Green was completed and dedicated on Sunday, July 19th as part of the town's Summerfest activities. Greenland's citizens made the bandstand possible by approving the monies for its construction as part of the 1987 Town Budget. Originally, the first bandstand was to be repaired but the funds were never approved at a town meeting.
Paul F. Hughes, Greenland Historian

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