Norwich Town Green
Built - 1915

Norwich was founded in 1659 by Major John Mason and Reverend James Fitch after purchase from the local American Mohegan Tribe. Soon after, a wharf was built at Yantic Cove and the settlement was built around the Norwichtown Green by 69 founding families. Shipping goods were sent directly from England but after 1764, and the Stamp Act, the townspeople were forced to become more self sufficient. Large mills and factories then sprung up along the three rivers that traversed the town.
Norwich supported the cause of the American Revolution by supplying soldiers with ships and munitions. One of the most infamous figures of that period was Benedict Arnold who was born in Norwich.
Their bandstand is located on Norwich's Town Green and was erected in 1915 by ten members of the Norwich Chapter of the YMCA who also formed a band at that time and needed a place to hold concerts with the expense of the structure being picked up by a Captain Henry Partridge. The structure had been originally built on property on Main Street but was re-erected on the Green in 1920.
The bandstand has a basic style to it and is believed that the octagonal roof is the only original part. In the last 100 years or so, railings, posts, brackets and stairways have been altered. Currently the structure is not safe for use since it is in need of repair, as of this writing, but has served as an important part in the past for concerts put on by the Norwich Women's Club and was used during the Norwich Fair and other community events such as "Bark in the Park."
Nancy Osgood, President
Norwich Historical Society
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