Hryniewicz Park Bandstand
Hryniewicz Park
Three Rivers
Built - 1980

One of the four villages of Palmer, Three Rivers, chose to build their bandstand in 1980 and name it and rededicate the park it is located on as Hyrnewicz Park to honor a former resident who served in the Navy during World War 2 and was killed at Pearl Harbor.
A member of the Three Rivers Chamber of Commerce, Peter Chabot, was the builder of this very beautiful and ornate bandstand which was built in a "Witches Hat" style and was financed totally by the Chamber of Commerce.
The Post Road Orchestra and many other local bands have played on this bandstand during summer concerts. Christmas programs, historical and community functions are also held on the bandstand throughout the year. The bandstand is the second one on the site, the original one was demolished in the early 1920s.
Marion Lis, Internet
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