Trianon Stage
Topsfield Fair
Built - 1985
North of Boston, Topsfield continues to be very committed in preserving its charming and rural character and is also quite proud of its Topsfield Fair which has been ongoing since 1818 when the Essex Agricultural Society was officially granted a charter on June 12th of that year. The goal of the Society was, and continues to be, to promote and improve the agricultural interests of farmers and visitors from all corners of the globe. The now 190th season, as of 2009, continues to educate the public on farming through an atmosphere of fun and excitement at the Fair. The Fair has been held annually in October since 1818 although suspended for three years during the Civil War and for three years during World War 2.
Topsfield Fairgrounds sits on a large parcel of land once owned by Dr. John Goodhue Treadwell of Salem who bequeathed his farm to the Agricultural Society in 1858 for the "promotion of the science of agriculture."
The Fair's bandstand, named the Trianon Stage, was built in the 1980s by members of the Topsfield Fair and also funded by the Society. Since the structure was three-sided, the contest winning name was thus "Trianon." The Fair always had an open stage but a closed bandstand was finally a necessity. The structure has a dressing room in the back of the enclosed stage area and a good sound emits from the stage during the many concerts and shows during the Fair's 10-day duration. Many different bands play on the stage with older performers and new groups performing between October 1-10. Opening day of the Fair is the main and most important day with much fanfair on or around the bandstand.
Nancy Begin, Past President
Executive Board
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