The Gazebo
Townshend Common
Built - 1988
The quiet southern Vermont town of Townshend is located just east of the famous Vermont Green Mountain range and boasts being a typical New England town. Townshend was named after the famous Townshend family of the 1700s who made up one of the most influential groups in British politics. Over a twenty year period, there were 5 fmaily members who were seated within the British Parliament and numerous others scattered throughout the government, many related to England's noble families at that time.
Townshend can also boast about being the home to the Scott Bridge which is the longest of the many covered bridges in Vermont. Also the church on the Townshend Village Green is still one of the most photographed churches in the United States.
Townshend's over 225 year history is one that parallels most rural Vermont towns - the first one hundred years bringing settlers in and growing numbers of farms with the second hundred years witnessing a movement down into the valleys with various industries cropping up and in the past few decades, a decline in this industry. The land, water and mountains still remain as the town's principal resource and one in which many tourists are drawn.
Townshend is also very proud of its beautiful "gazebo" and focal point in the town's common area and can brag that it is one of the very few built especially by a Hollywood production company in 1988 for the movie "Funny Farm" starring Chevy Chase and Madeline Snow. After the film had ended, the townspeople liked the structure enough to thankfully keep it. The bandstand is the first and only one the town has ever had and is used for concerts and especially as the announcing stand for the town's annual Fair Day.
The town is grateful for the film's gift for using their area for the filming of the picture with the only detrimental factor being that during the filming, the false snow used killed several of the giant maples on the common.
Manlee Attley, Town Librarian
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