250th Anniversary Bandstand
Built - 2003

The town of Hampstead was originally made up of two segments, one from the town of Haverhill and the other Amesbury, both in Massachusetts. Its original name was Timber Lane since there was an abundance of oak, walnut, chestnut, maple, pine, elm and cedar trees. Eight years later in 1749, Governor Benning Wentworth renamed the town Hampstead after the English residence of William Pitt, his close friend.
Hampstead decided to build their bandstand in 2003 with funds leftover from the town's 250th anniversary which the new structure would serve as a commemorative reminder. The town also received volunteer donations and funds from the Cable Committee Franchise Fee after some difficulty in finding all the necessary funds needed. The bandstand was built behind the Town Hall in a large plot of land with plenty of room for the citizens of the town and visitors to enjoy band concerts.
So far, the bandstand has just hosted the local high school band with many more bands and concerts anticipated in years to come.

Hampstead Selectmens Office

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